Saturday, March 1, 2014


Well, I've still been a bit under the weather which is why I haven't been posting much.  It's so much easier some nights to sit like a lump and watch TV than to sew.  But...I have made some progress.  I've come to realize that this year might not be a great year for getting things done, so while I wanted to add some goals to my list I won't be.  I wanted to add several baby quilts for friends, to do reverse applique, and to learn to do curves.  Instead I will just be adding one quilt and apologizing to most friends.  And I'll plug along, getting done what I get done.

But since this list shows up so often, I thought I'd try to get a few more pictures than normal.  My plan was to take these this morning, but in order to do that my son had to take pictures of them at the same he ended up in several.

1. Finish quilt #1 for Sarah.  I only have a few more threads to deal with and than this will be done!  My first finish in quite a while. 

2. Quilt #2 for Sarah.  I'm hoping to finish this by March...and with spring break in the middle of March I'm hoping it will happen.

3. Baby girl daisy quilt.  This is for my new niece.  She's been here several weeks, so it's overdue.  But the quilt I was planning on giving her is too boyish.  

4. Finish the picture quilt.  This was a Christmas present.  It is partially quilted, but isn't quite square so I'm having some trouble with it and am not feeling excited to finish it.  It might also end up being a father's day present at this rate. :s

5. Baby paper airplane quilt.  This is for a baby that's been around a while too.  I think I will see her in August, so that would be a good time to have it finished.

6. Baby quilt.    Not started or planned.  No fabric purchased.  But ideas are running through my head.

7. Work on the T-shirt quilt.  I messed up one of the shirts but am getting another.  It'll be finished sometime.

8. Quilt a doll quilt This shouldn't take much time, I just need to do it sometime.

9. Aunt's throw.   I'd like to lay this out now that I have pairs and make sure the values are still ok.  Then continue to sew them together.

10. Baby quilt - urban cabins I was so close to finishing and ran out of blue.  Then I decided it was more of a boy quilt than a girl quilt.  (I had been hoping the navy would act as a neutral but might not be dark enough.)  So I got fabric but now it is just sitting again as there is no person to give it to at this point.

11. Quilt mint green baby quilt.  Yup, it's all ready just needs to be quilted.

12. Quilt nautical quilt  All ready just needs to be quilted

13. Quilt Christmas quilt  All ready just needs to be quilted. :)

14. Pillow for family room.  I ran out of scraps before it was big enough for the pillow.  So now I either need to make scraps which seems ridiculous or wait until I use the fabrics again or something.  It's been a leader-ender project that I periodically plug away at.

15. make the wall hanging for office.  I won this bundle a (long) while ago but since it's for me it doesn't always get priority.  The purple matches the office perfectly though, so I still want to get it done.

16. Simply solids bee quilt.  I still love this layout and want to get it finished, but since I only sort of have an idea of whom to give it to it has stayed on the back burner.

17. {pretend to} work on scrap quilt.  I actually worked on this a little bit!  It was fairly mindless.  I don't have many red scraps, but they're now all in a roll and I'm working on orange.  The final layout keeps changing, but I figure I'll make something work with whatever I have done.

18. Orphan rocket block  This would probably take less than an hour to finish, but I have no real motivation to work on it.

19. finish green coasters.  These also would finish up pretty quickly, but due to the very lumpy middles they are impractical for use so I've been putting them off.

20. Jeweled floors.  I have some of the fabric for this, but it's been put on the back burner
21. Lost piece (almost whole cloth quilt).  I've thought about this a lot but haven't done anything.
22. Winter quilt.  I have fabric but haven't done anything.


  1. I love the fabric for E's quilt! Hope you're feeling better soon. : )

    Annette B.

  2. Feeling the same about my projects. Just when I thought I'd make progress, I find out I nee 3 wedding quilts this year. Sigh.

  3. Please, don't rush on my account. You know me, no rush! I really hope all is well, keeping you in my thoughts!


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